Sunday, August 04, 2013

Bangs! :(

Finally, cut off my long fringes to make a new flat bangs like back to old days. Mummy said with bangs only won't make me to be looked too mature and old. I scared I would regret so I asked the hairdresser to cut it before eyebrows lol. I really can't get used to my old look with bangs,so childish and immature. Some more it keeps 'open window' when the wind is blew onto my face -.- so troublesome have to comb it again to orientate it. See now I feel regretful already :/ 
yerrr very childrish right? dislike my current look.
Those self camwhore pictures all are without bangs, tis is one of it. See, I'm looked so mature. :)  

Ignore my emo face lol.
This is my first time to keep my fringes so long until it covered my whole faces.
After this cut, I think I would not cut bangs anymore because bangs will show my face very big haha.